The academic activities of Zhaolun Fang abroad
In Oct of 1983, Zhao-lun (along with Dr. Cui Hangbo) came to Ruzicka and Hansen's laboratory in the Department of Chemistry Technical University of Denmark as a visiting scholar to learn the new FIA technique from its inventors. During his 1 year stay he participated in developing online ion-exchange separation and preconcentration system for heavy metals, and contributed to novel application of FIA to atomic absorption spectrometry [2]. Fang attended numerous scientific meetings, starting with the International Flow Injection Analysis Conference held in Lund of Sweden, in 1982, and ending with the tenth FIA conference held in 2006 in Porto, Portugal presenting many outstanding and innovative invited lectures [1-9].
Fang visited B. Welz's laboratory at Perkin Elmer Company in Uberlingen, Germany in 1988, 1990, 1991 and 2000, further developing FIA-AAS and ETAS methods, such as flow injection hydride generation and on-line co-precipitation separation and preconcentration which facilitated commercialization of the instruments FIAS 200 and FIAS-400 In appreciation of his excellent work, Perkin Elmer Company donated these two instruments to our Lab in Shenyang, China, as an appreciation for the cooperation between Perkin Elmer company and our Lab.
Fang with Bo Karlbeg, 1982, Lund.
Fang and JardaRuzicka, Japan, 1991.
Zhaolung Fang and Shukun Xu in Welz's Lab, of Perkin Elmer in 2000.